Immediate access

As soon as you sign up, you get on-demand access to ALL of my IN SIX training programs, access to the nutrition plans, meal plans, recipes, shopping list and the macro-calculator. Should you have any difficulty please email us at

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. you can cancel at any time. Ensure you cancel 24 hours prior to your next automated payment. Should you have any difficulty please email us at

Can I have a refund?

You are unable to receive a refund as the IN SIX app falls within the low value off-premises contract exemption to The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, and because you gain immediate access to the IN SIX app.

Trouble shooting: My macro-calculator doesn't work

Please note you have to fill out every field in the macro-calculator for it to work. If this hasn't been completed your meal plan will not generate.

Trouble shooting: My meal plan isn't there/doesn't generate

Please note you have to fill out every field in the macro-calculator for the meal plan to generate. Then simply hit the 'Create my meal plan'

Trouble shooting: My videos won't play

Please ensure you have a good wifi/mobile connection for the videos to play. Without a good connection, it may take a while for all videos to stream properly. It can sometimes help to close and re-open your app or reset your wifi.

Trouble shooting: My reps/weights haven’t recorded

Please ensure you have a good wifi/mobile connection to be able to record your reps/weight. It can sometimes help to close and re-open the app or reset your wifi.

Should you have any difficulty trouble shooting, please email us at

Are the INSIX programs suitable for women and men?

Yes! The team and I have designed the workouts and the nutrition to suit both women and men, whether your goal is to build muscle, lean out or lose weight. This is the ideal app for you as you can chose the ideal program to suit your own goal!

Is there a dedicated inbox for specific enquiries regarding workouts and/or nutrition?

Yes, you can contact the IN SIX team at and we’ll aim to get back to you within 1 business day.

Does this guide include a personalized nutrition plan?

Yes! You get immediate access to the nutrition plans, recipes and shopping lists, which you can personalize, based on your inputs into the macro-calculator.

Why did you develop the IN SIX App?

My goal is to help you make fitness a sustainable and core part of your life. It’s a journey I’ve been on for many years and I’ve now collaborated with fitness & nutrition professionals from around the globe to bring you my IN SIX app. I've designed the programs so you will see results within 6 weeks.

Is IN SIX based on the training you do yourself?

Yes! This is my personal blueprint. It has been taken from my exact training program that has helped me and countless others reach their goals.

How many Programs are there?

Within the app you have access to ALL of my IN SIX programs. Details are here:

I am adding new programs all the time, so please keep a look out.

Are the workout programs suitable for home and the gym?

SIZE IN SIX volumes 1 & 2 are specially designed for you to reach your goal at the gym. I'll be launching LEAN IN SIX and STRENGTH IN SIX in the coming months. 

All the workout videos, my tips, meal plans and recipes are on the IN SIX app, so you’ll just need your mobile with an internet connection. 

Is the app available outside of the USA?

Yes! IN SIX is totally online so available anywhere where there’s Internet access!

Are these programs for muscle gain, toning up or weight loss?

These programs are designed for you to achieve YOUR goals – whatever they are.

Nutrition is key to your goals. You can use the macro-calculator within the app to create your personalized meal plan to either build muscle, maintain your body weight (to tone up) or lose weight.

You can re-visit your goals, your workouts and your meal plan at any time.

How many workouts per week are included?

Dependant on the program level you choose, there are between 5-6 workouts a week.

Approximately how much time do I need to complete each workout?

The app has been designed to be flexible for you. Ideally, you’ll have 60 minutes set aside for the workout.

How many weeks does it take to complete each program?

Each program volume has been designed to be completed over 6 weeks, but feel free to complete it in your own time – you just need to be subscribed to the IN SIX app.

Can I repeat a program once I have completed it?

Yes! you can repeat it as many times as you like, you just have to be subscribed to the IN SIX app. I’d also recommend that once you’ve completed one program volume, you move onto the next volume.

Can I use the app if I have an injury or medical condition?

Your safety is our first concern, and part of our enrollment process is that you seek advice from your health care professional before embarking on an exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing injuries or conditions. They will give you a recommendation as to which exercises to avoid and which ones you can perform safely.

What’s included when I sign up?

 You get immediate access to all my workouts, guidance on the best program for you, customer service team, meal plans, recipes and shopping lists and the macro-calculator. 

Do I have to follow the program exactly as it was created?

To your best ability yes, if for any reason you can't, you can switch exercises within the app.

What results can I expect to see once I've completed an IN SIX program?

The results you see will depend on your own personal goal, your ability level, and how closely you followed the program, but as an example:

If your goal was to build muscle, you can expect overall increased muscle mass and strength with confidence boosting results within 6 weeks.
If your goal was to get lean, you can expect to have decreased body fat, creating a leaner and stronger physique within 6 weeks.

Where can I find your Terms & Conditions?

You can read our Terms & Conditions document here (